Is aimed at children who want to learn crafting and drawing.

Monday to Friday 4:30 to 8:00 PM.
(This is an open schedule, you can come whenever you want.)

1 h. a week – 40 euros a month
1,5 h. a week – 48 euros a month

Family Pack
Adult+Child 1,5 h. a week – 85 euros a month

We search to give technical resources and knowledge, so kids can experiment and develop them. For example, instead of using multi-colour palettes, we prefer for the children to mix their own colours.

The course is intended for children from six years old. Depending on the age and concerns of the child, different activities are suggested. We apply a very personalized treatment, to adapt to the needs of each child.

Many activities and resources can be given at this age, such as animal drawing, the human body, portraits, charcoal painting, as well as Slime making, painting with fluorescent paint, the creation of volcanoes with small experiments, photographing, painting with a projector, light painting and many others.

  • Manualidades Saleta de Creacio
  • Manualidades Saleta de Creacio
  • Manualidades Saleta de Creacio
  • Manualidades Saleta de Creacio
  • Manualidades Saleta de Creacio
  • Manualidades Saleta de Creacio
  • Manualidades Saleta de Creacio
  • Manualidades Saleta de Creacio

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