It is a more advanced level than de Crafts one, since the projects we do involve art and science.

Tuesdays 5:00 to 7:00 PM.
(Open Schedule)

The Projects course is a more advanced level than de Crafts one, since the projects we do involve art and science. That is the reason why the child must be able to understand and have a greater criterion.

It is intended for kids from eight years old.

In the course, the kid develops the research phase more deeply. He or she is encouraged to test, to generate small hypotheses, and to observe the results. We believe much is to be learned through trial-error.

Marble Run structures are built, simple painting robots that do not need programming are constructed, keyrings are designed with a 3D program, sonic experiments are performed, along with an endless list of other ideas.

  • Electricidad por Limones Experimento Saleta de Creació
  • Bebidas | Proyectos Saleta de Creacio
  • Proyectos Saleta de Creació
  • Volcan Casero
  • Electricidad por Limones Experimento Saleta de Creació
  • Bebidas | Proyectos Saleta de Creacio
  • Proyectos Saleta de Creació
  • Volcan Casero

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