Carnival week, children often dress up to go to school. On this occasion we have thought of doing an activity that is one day and serves as a disguise.

The cape is a garment that because of its history and its symbology is considered by children as something magical.

In many stories, the characters that wear capes are kings, princes or nobles, we also have the Dracula cape, that of the Little Red Riding Hood, or those of superheroes like Superman or Superwoman and Batman. Some, like Harry Potter’s, make you invisible when you put it on.

Each layer has its particularity and its design.

In this activity, we propose that you make the layer of the character you want. You can also invent it. Can be anything!

How to make a Carnival cape?

Activity time: 1h approx.

Difficulty: Easy

Age: From 5 years old


  • Wide paper to make the layer to suit you. It can be brown or white.
  • Pencil
  • Rubber
  • Dry tempera , waxes, colored pencils …
  • Silk paper
  • Ribbon to tie the cape
  • Hot or cold silicone
  • Tube glue
  • Glitter (optional)



Steps to follow:

1. Cut a piece of paper the size of a layer and fold it in half. The paper is about the same size as you from the back.

2. Draw the shape you want for your cape on one of the parts.




3. Cut out the shape you have drawn on both sides. This way it will also be cut by the other side and you don’t need to draw it. In this case, we are trimming a bat.




4. Open the cape and you already have the shape of your cape!




5. Now Design it to your liking: you can draw with crayons, tempera dries, attach tissue paper in different ways… Make the design to your liking! Imagine what you want!

6. When you have finished decorating it, put a ribbon on the neck to hold it. We have used a red ribbon of cloth to give it a more magical touch. You can hook it with hot or cold silicone inside, on the neck. When it’s dry… You can wear your cape!!



Here are some pictures of the capes that children have made:


Cape of Pau and Álex from Bats


Nadia’s cape, a 5-year-old girl from Butterfly


Leaf cape with ladybugs, from Irati


Duna cape… very creative! With a very beautiful bat and leaf combination!!



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