Sometimes it is difficult to understand the perspective, Leonardo da Vinci us so well explained in this text that he wrote :

“ The glass wallPerspective is nothing other than seeing a place through flat, perfectly translucent glass, on whose surface all the bodies on the other side of the glass have been drawn. These objects can be brought to the point of the eye by means of pyramids that are cut in said glass (…) ”


We propose you to approach Perspective in a more playful and fun way … As Leonardo says , through a glass wall !


We are going to draw what we see through the window. It doesn’t matter what it is: a neighbor’s patio, a park, a tree, a pot, etc. you can do it with anything.

You will notice that you are tracing what you see and that the image of your paper is much smaller. This is due to the way the eye has to see. The images we reach the eye of a t Pequén fixing or, but could not see things away and we only see the ob je big cough.


Activity time : 25 min. approx

Difficulty : medium

Age : from 6 -7 years

Caution : with scissors



  • Kitchen paper transparent film
  • Permanent marker


Option 1 : Patch

  • Cardboard
  • Elastic rubber
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Eraser

Option 2 : scarf

  • Handkerchief


Steps to follow :

1. In this activity you have to cover an eye, you can do it with a patch (option 1) or with a scarf (option 2). Then find the material for the option you have chosen.

2. Also locate a window to draw. You must have a view of some place or be able to see something through the window.

3. Cut out a piece of Cooking Film paper and put it on the window, you will see that it can stand on its own. You don’t need to be zealous.



4. Now create your patch or put the scarf on your eye. To create the patch you have to cut out an oval piece of cardboard (if you don’t have to look for anything you have at home … for example a piece of cardboard, or put together 2 papers … the important thing is that they don’t let you see). Then punch 1 hole on each side of the patch and apply the rubber band to it. It should look like this:



And you can already put it in your eye.




5. If you haven’t made the patch, put on the scarf .

6. Now you just need to, grab a chair or find a posture that allows you to be very still .

7. With the permanent marker you can now start tracing your landscape. The quieter you stay, the better it will be!

When we do this exercise it is easy for us to draw what we believe instead of what the eye sees. Trust only your eye! You will see how it works out for you!



8. What you just drew is:

  • What you see
  • It’s in perspective
  • You did it as Leonardo da Vinci said.



The eye has a limited field of vision .

If you could move the glass window, you would see that if you put it away the drawing is bigger, instead, the closer you get to the eye, the drawing becomes smaller.



We have already put the plastic wrap and we are drawing.


Here are some photos:




To finish, if you put a white sheet of paper behind it, it will be easier to see how it looks on you.




If you look, in the first image, you can see the park that we have drawn below. This is so because we have drawn standing up what we see below.

If we had drawn what we see sitting and looking straight, your drawing would be on top of what you draw.


I leave you an image an image that made Leonardo to explain the vision of the eye. It is very old! Notice how he is sitting very still and drawing the globe that he has put as a model. The balloon, when you draw it on the paper, is much smaller!


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